Living in Surveillance Societies: The Ghosts of Surveillance
C. William, R. Webster, Doina Balahur, Nils Zurawski, Kees Boersma, Bence Ságvári, Christel Backman (editori)
Despre autori
This publication presents a collection of academic work associated with the second annual conference of the Living in Surveillance Societies (LiSS) COST Action (ISO807), which took place at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania, between 3 and 5 May 2011. The conference was Chaired by Dr William Webster and Dr Doina Balahur. The edited collection is organised around the diverse but related academic activities that took place during LiSS Conference 2, including: individual conference paper presentations, LiSS Working Group ‘showcases’, the LiSS Doctoral School and the European Research workshops. These activities have been ‘captured’ in this edition in the form of full articles and papers, reports of LiSS Working Group activities and summaries of the European research projects presented. Combined these contributions represent a considerable body of knowledge and some contemporary and up-to-date thinking about what it means to live in a surveillance society.
The Living in Surveillance Societies COST Action, I See You, You Can’t See Me: On People’s Perception About Surveillance in Post Totalitarian Romania, Authoritarian Surveillance and its Legacy in South-European Societies:Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, European Research on Surveillance etc.
Autorii articolelor sunt profesori doctori, cercetători şi doctoranzi de la Universitatea din Stirling (Marea Britanie), Universitea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi (Romania), Universitatea din Hamburg (Germania), VU University (Olanda), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (Ungaria), Universitatea din Gothenburg, (Suedia), Roskilde University (Danemarca), Universitatea din Tübingen, (Germania), University of Crete, (Grecia) şi Universitatea din Hamburg (Germania)