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Pagina principală / Colecția Ştiinţele Educaţiei /

Methodology of Project Management. Development and Organization of International Projects. A Practical Guide with Study Cases in Education

Tudor Stanciu

stoc epuizat

Data apariției: 12.07.2021

Domeniu: Filosofie şi Ştiinţe sociale / Educaţie

Colecție: Ştiinţele Educaţiei

ISBN: 978-606-714-603-5

Nr. pagini: 206

Format: 14,7 x 20,5 cm.

17.00 LEI

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Descriere Sumar Despre autori

With contribution of Victor Iliescu.
Foreword by Romiță Iucu-Bumbu.
Volum editat în limba engleză.
Înțelegând importanța abilității de a organiza si dezvolta proiecte internaționale, de a proiecta și susține implementarea si finalizarea proiectelor, autorul a sintetizat cunoștințele acumulate de-a lungul a zeci de ani de coordonare a proiectelor, punând această utilă carte la dispoziția ONG-urilor, specialiștilor din domeniul educațional, factorilor de decizie din politica educațională, personalului didactic și studenților, permițându-le să se familiarizeze cu terminologia managementului de proiect, cu nevoia de a împărți proiectele în etape, cu criteriile, obiectivele și riscurile cu care se pot confrunta în încercarea de a schimba semnificativ ceva. Dincolo de noțiunile teoretice prezentate într-o manieră concisă și accesibilă, specificitatea acestei cărți constă în exemplificarea prin proiecte care au reprezentat, în momentul implementării, performanței și diseminării lor, un succes recunoscut la nivel internațional.

Understanding the importance of the ability of organization and development of international projects, to design and support the implementation and finalization of projects, the author has synthesized the knowledge accumulated throughout tens of years of coordination of projects, making this useful book available for NGOs, specialists in the educational field, educational policy makers, teaching staff, and students, allowing them to become familiar with the project management terminology, with the need to divide the projects into stages, with the criteria, objectives, and risks they may face in the attempt to significantly change something. Beyond the theoretical notions presented in a concise and accessible manner, the specificity of this book consists of exemplifying them through projects that represented, at the moment of their implementation, performance, and dissemination, an internationally acknowledged success.

Everyone can find something interesting, irrespective of whether they are experienced or new learners, who become initiated in a field through this very useful book, excellently structured and organized, focused on practice and achieved in an interactive learning style.
Romiță Iucu-Bumbu, PhD Professor
Former President of the European Network for Teacher Education Policies (ENTEP)

Foreword (by Romiță Iucu-Bumbu); Key Symbols; Argument; Chapter 1. Introductive Notions: 1.1. A project is...; 1.2. Project Management: 1.2.1. History of Projects and of Projects Management; 1.2.2. Constraints of Project Management; 1.2.3. Methodology of Project Management; Chapter 2. The Preliminary Stage. Initiating the project: 2.1. Project Lifecycle (Victor Iliescu); 2.2. Stages of an Educational Project (Victor Iliescu); 2.3. Forms of Education. Formal, Informal and Non-Formal Education; 2.4. Project Mission, Purpose, and Objectives: 2.4.1. Mission; 2.4.2. Project Purpose; 2.4.3. Project Objectives; 2.4.4. Objectively Verifiable Indicators; 2.4.5. Analysis in the Logical Matrix Frame (ALF) (Victor Iliescu); 2.5. Promoters. Beneficiaries. Sponsor. Target Group. Stakeholders/Key Actors; 2.6. Analysis of the Project Environment: 2.6.1. The SWOT Analysis; 2.6.2. The Cause-Effect Diagram; 2.6.3. The Tree Diagram; 2.6.4. The Pareto Analysis; 2.6.5. Educational Climate and Culture; Chapter 3. Planning and Organizing the Project: 3.1. Activities; 3.2. Work Breakdown Structure; 3.3. Time Management in Educational Projects. Precedence Tables. Arrow Activity Networks; 3.4. Planning the Activities. Communicating the Activity Plan. Gantt Diagrams; 3.4.1. The Critical Path Method; 3.5. Schedule Monitoring and Control; 3.6. Influence Factors in the project; 3.7. The Project Manager: 3.7.1. Manager vs. Leader; 3.7.2. Moderation Skills in Project Managers; 3.7.3. The Role Coordinates of a Moderator Project Manager; 3.7.4. The Ego of the Manager and of the Team Members; 3.8. The Project Team; 3.9. Motivation of Those Involved in Educational Projects; 3.10. “Flow” Creation in Project Management; 3.11. The Educational Manager and the Learning School; Chapter 4. Financial Resources Project Budget: 4.1. Eligible and Non Eligible Costs; 4.2. The funding project; 4.3. Drawing the time-cost diagram; Chapter 5. The Stage of Execution, Monitoring, Control and Evaluation in Educational Projects: 5.1. What is project control?; 5.2. Monitoring the development of the project’s activities; 5.3. Monitoring of the project as a whole; Chapter 6. Conflict Management in Projects: 6.1. Sources of Conflict; 6.2. Approaches of Solving Conflicts in Projects; 6.3. Risk Identification, Evaluation, and Analysis (Victor Iliescu); Chapter 7. Closing the Project; 8. ANNEXES (Victor Iliescu); Annex 1. Examples of Models for a Projects’ Lifecycle; Annex 2. PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique); Annex 3. Scheduling the Critical Activity Chain; Short Glossary of Terms; Bibliography; Figure Explanation; Table Explanation.

Tudor Stanciu (n. 1969) a fost profesor universitar în Statele Unite ale Americii, în calitate de bursier Fulbright SIR – cercetare postdoctorală și predare – la Facultatea de Științe ale Educației, Universitatea Lehigh și Northampton Community College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, SUA (2012-2013), unde a predat cursurile de Organizare și Dezvoltare a Proiectelor Educaționale Internaționale și Educația pentru Toți. Tudor Stanciu este absolvent al Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, Facultatea de Psihologie și Științe ale Educației, precum și al Universității Tehnice „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iași, are un doctorat acordat de aceeași universitate, a absolvit programul MBA și programul de masterat al Universității Lehigh, specializarea Leadership, Consiliere și Orientare în Educație, ca beneficiar al unei burse Ron Brown al Departamentului de Stat, SUA. Din 2003, este cadru didactic universitar în cadrul Departamentului pentru Pregătirea Personalului Didactic, Universitatea Tehnică din Iași (DPPD), profesor asociat la Facultatea de Filosofie și Științe Social Politice, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, consilier superior în Ministerul Educației și Cercetării (2008-2012) și director al Centrului de Consiliere al Universității Tehnice din Iași din 2018.
Tudor Stanciu (b. 1969) received a Fulbright SIR, postdoctoral research and teaching award, at College of Education, Lehigh University and Northampton Community College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA (2012-2013), where he taught the courses of Organization and Development of International Educational Projects and Education for All. Tudor is a graduate of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, as well as of “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, has a PhD awarded by the Post-graduate School of the same university, has completed the MBA program and the Master degree program of Lehigh University, specialization Leadership, Counseling, and Guidance in Education, as beneficiary of a Ron Brown scholarship of the State Department, USA. Since 2003, he is a member of the university teaching staff in the Department of Teacher Training, the Technical University of Iaşi (DPPD), associate professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, department of Political Sciences of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, advisor in the Romanian Ministry of Education, Research, and Youth (2008- 2012) and Director of the Counseling Services of Technical University of Iasi since 2018.