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The European Atlas of Resilience

Alexandru Bănică, Mihail Eva, Corneliu Iațu, Peter Nijkamp, Gabriela Carmen Pascariu (Editors)

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Data apariției: 07.10.2021

Domeniu: Filosofie şi Ştiinţe sociale / Economie

Colecție: Studii Europene

ISBN: 978-606-714-665-3

Nr. pagini: 114

Format: 22 x 28 cm.

--- LEI

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Descriere Sumar Despre autori

Volum editat în limba engleză.
The European Atlas of Resilience is one of the main results of ReGrowEU project, supported by a grant financed by the Ministry of Research and Innovation of Romania. Designed in a methodologically flexible manner, the atlas aims at delivering a unique multi-dimensional, multi-shock and multi-level diagnosis of national and regional resilience for the EU28. In this regard, the atlas is perhaps one of the most daring enterprises of its kind. It is structured in three parts, the first two analysing resilience performance and resilience capacity, while the last delivering four thematic case studies. The authors managed to map situations of great complexity in the European Union, precisely so that we can better visualize them, be aware of them, understand them and reflect on them. We hope this atlas to be an instrument for scientific knowledge and the foundation of development policies, a work tool for academics and experts, as well as an instrument for critical reflection.

Atlasul european al rezilienței este unul dintre principalele rezultate ale proiectului ReGrowEU, susținut de un grant finanțat de Ministerul Cercetării și Inovării din România. Conceput într-o manieră flexibilă din punct de vedere metodologic, atlasul urmărește să ofere un diagnostic unic multi-dimensional, multi-șoc și multi-nivel al rezistenței naționale și regionale pentru UE28. În acest sens, atlasul este probabil una dintre cele mai îndrăznețe întreprinderi de acest gen. Este structurat în trei părți, primele două analizând performanța rezilienței și capacitatea de reziliență, în timp ce ultima oferă patru studii de caz tematice. Autorii au reușit să cartografieze situații de mare complexitate în Uniunea Europeană, tocmai astfel încât să le putem vizualiza mai bine, să fim conștienți de ele, să le înțelegem și să reflectăm asupra lor. Sperăm ca acest atlas să fie un instrument pentru cunoașterea științifică și fundamentarea politicilor de dezvoltare, un instrument de lucru pentru academicieni și experți, precum și un instrument de reflecție critică.

The European Atlas of Resilience is a remarkable and unique publication. An atlas is usually an accessible and pedagogical presentation of geographical information in a visualised form. The present resilience atlas offers in a systematic and attractive format a kaleidoscopic image of resilience performance and resilience capacity in Europe, ranging from aggregate European or national to regionally differentiated scale levels. It employs a broad collection of measurable indicators that are directly or indirectly linked to the nowadays popular resilience concept.
The latter concept has already a long history (e.g. in the ecological and physical sciences), but has over the past decade also gained much popularity in the social sciences, including regional science and geography. However, from conceptualisation to operationalisation is a formidable step. This atlas is the first resilience-inspired atlas that presents a multidimensional dynamic picture of resilience – measured through different indicators – in the European space-economy.
Spatial resilience calls for detailed geographical analysis and mapping of the ever changing complexity of the urban, regional and national socioeconomic landscape. Such an analytical challenge calls for due insight into – and detailed data knowledge of – the various socioeconomic, demographic and environmental constituents of cities, regions and nations. This atlas brings a broad and coherent body of knowledge together in an insightful atlas format on resilient Europe.
This unique opus is the result of years of hard and intelligent work of many researchers from Romania, in particular from Iasi, Bucharest and Cluj. It is one of the scientific highlights – with a great outreach – of the ReGrow project, a three-year project financed by the Romanian government. This atlas illustrates the seminal contributions of Romanian researchers in the field of regional science and geography and may be seen as a signpost for other countries which want to play a leading role in this important field of research. The Romanian government, the participating universities, and the enthusiastic researchers involved ought to be commended for their great intellectual efforts which will have a lasting international impact across the borders of Romania. Finally, Gabriela Carmen Pascariu deserves many thanks for her indisputable leadership in realising this pathbreaking project.
(Peter Nijkamp)

This work was supported by a grant of Ministry of Research and Innovation, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-0166, within PNCDI III project ReGrowEU – Advancing ground-breaking research in regional growth and develop¬ment theories, through a resilience approach: towards a convergent, balanced and sustainable European Union.

INTRODUCTION: Preliminary remarks; Shocks and stressors; Methodological approach; PART I – RESILIENCE PERFORMANCE: Individual and society: Individual resilience; Social resilience; Economy: Resilience of businesses; Labor market resilience; Financial resilience; Macroeconomic resilience; Overall economic resilienceEnvironmental (protection) resilience; Institutions and governance: Institutional resilience; Resilience of governance systems; Democracy resilience; Overall resilience); PART II – RESILIENCE CAPACITY: Drivers of resilience, Resilience capacity dynamics, Capacity-performance relationship; PART III – THEMATIC CASE STUDIES: European Summer Heat Wave of 2003; Wellbeing during pandemic in Romania; Tourism and the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of Romania; Social media & compliance with COVID-19 preventive measures); CONCLUSIONS; References List of data sources; List of abbreviations

Alexandru Bănică is currently Lecturer at the Faculty of Geography and Geology, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi and Researcher at the Romanian Academy, Iași Branch. He graduated from the Faculty of Geography and Geology in 2003, has a master degree in environmental science and defended a PhD thesis in the area of urban environmental geography. Post-doctoral studies in urban resilience. Alexandru Bănică has 12 years experience in teaching, including courses of “Environmental geography”, and “Environmental Impact Assessment” and “Quality of life and territorial resilience”. As a researcher he is currently interested in environmental science, urban geography, resilience studies, sustainable development and risks assessment. He was manager or member of six national and international projects in different research areas, but mostly in human and environmental geography.
Mihail Eva is currently Lecturer at the Geography Department at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. He has a PhD in Spatial Planning defended in 2017 at University of Tours (France). As a researcher, his area of expertise lies at the crossroads between spatial planning, regional inequality, and transportation geography. He has 8 years experience in teaching at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, including courses of “Spatial Planning” and “GIS and Territorial Diagnosis”. He has also been involved in four international research projects concerning issues related to European spatial planning.
Corneliu Iațu is Full Professor at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania. His specializations are in human geography and territorial planning, fields in which he has published research articles and more than 20 books, part of which under French publishing houses. He is the President of the Romanian Geographical Society and Vice Rector of Strategy, Institutional Development and Human Ressources of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University. He is an active member of the Association of Regional Sciences of the French Language. He has coordinated research projects and supervised PhD students on topics such as economic geography, tourism, rural geography, political geography, health geography and sustainable development.
Peter Nijkamp is currently researcher at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, research fellow at the Open Universiteit, Heerlen, The Netherlands, and also vice-president of The Regional Science Academy. Peter Nijkamp is one of the central scholars in regional science and economic geography, to which he has significantly contributed. He is quoted in the top-25 of world-known influential economists, according to the RePec list. In 1996, he was awarded the most prestigious scientific prize in the Netherlands, the Spinoza award, he is winner of the 2004 Founder’s Medal of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI), the highest international scientific award in the area of regional science, and he received recently the prestigious Roger Stough Award for his excellent world-wide mentorship of young people. In the period 2018-2021, he coordinated at the Centre for European Studies of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi the research project Advancing ground-breaking research in regional growth and development theories, through a resilience approach: towards a convergent, balanced and sustainable European Union, one of the most ambitious and successful research projects financed by the Romanian Government in the area of Regional Science.
Gabriela Carmen Pascariu is Full Professor in European Economics and Policies at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania. She is Director of the Centre for European Studies, Jean Monnet professor and Team Europe expert having more than 30 years of teaching and research experience in the field. She is currently an expert in various national and international committees, Editor in Chief of the Eastern Journal of European Studies and member of the editorial board of other several publications in European Studies and Regional Development, regional editor for Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP), expert evaluator for national and international bodies. Her research interests focus on economics if integration, regional development and European Cohesion Policy, resilience and regional development and cross border cooperation; she is author of numerous articles and book chapters or books editor.

Thematic coordinators and authors:

Coordinators: Cristian Încălțărău and Liviu-George Maha;
Authors: Alina Botezat, Daniela-Luminița Constantin, Amalia Cristescu, Zizi Goschin, Cristian Încălțărău, Karima Kourtit, Dan Lupu, Liviu-George Maha, Bogdan Moldovan, Peter Nijkamp, Alexandru Pavel, Alina Irina Popescu and Elena-Daniela Viorică;
Institutions and Governance:
Coordinator: Ramona Țigănașu;
Authors: Bianca Andrianu, Bogdana Neamțu and Ramona Țigănașu;
Individual and Society:
Coordinator: Alexandra Gheorghiu;
Authors: Alexandra Gheorghiu, Alina Pavelea and Bianca Radu;
Geography and Environment:
Coordinators: Ema Corodescu-Roșca, Bogdan-Constantin Ibănescu and Alexandra Cehan;
Authors: Ciprian Alupului, Alexandru Bănică, Marina Căciulă, Alexandra Cehan, Ema Corodescu-Roșca, Adriana Elena Dârdală, Mihail Eva, Corneliu Iațu and Bogdan-Constantin Ibănescu;
Democracy and Politics:
Coordinator: Loredana Simionov;
Authors: Gabriela Carmen Pascariu and Loredana Simionov.