Women and Technological Education: A European Comparative Perspective. The 10 Commands to the Policy Makers
Doina Balahur, Paivi Fadjukoff, (editors)
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The issue of getting more women in technological or scientific education and career has been approached by numerous EU and national projects. Yet the challenge persists. Even in countries where gender imbalance is not a problem in the areas of mathematics and science, there is a marked imbalance when technology subjects are taken into account. To improve technology education, we need to create a holistic view on technology education and teaching. With new, improved technology education practices it is possible to make technology more attractive for young people, promote their interest, and encourage their critical and creative ways of thinking (FP6 UPDATE, Understanding and Providing a Developmental Approach to Technology Education).
Updating European Technology Education , Encouraging and recruiting female students in technological education and career, Pursuing a Career in a Technological Field: Motivating Factors and Barriers for German students, Gender and ICT – The Comparative Analysis of Finland and Romania, Gender principles in technological education. Trends of Estonian students, Some remarks on gender differences in the area of engineering studies: motivating factors and barriers, Girls’ and Boys’ Perceptions of Science and of Science Teaching Practice, Identifying motivations and barriers in the engineering education of young women in Greece with the aid of survey data and computational methods, Women and technological education: A European comparative perspective. The 10 Commands to the policy makers etc.
Doina Balahur (n. 1955, Bucuresti, România) este prof.univ.dr. la Catedra de Sociologie si asistenţă socială, Facultatea de filosofie a Universităţii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, Director al Centrului de Cercetare pentru Management Social si Dezvoltare Comunitară, Universitatea “Al.I.Cuza” Iasi, membru în 13 asociaţii profesionale cu afiliere internaţională, co-fondator şi membru al unor reţele europene si internaţionale de cercetare stiinţifică. Cărţi publicate : Sociology of Law. Studies and Research, 2006, Probaţiune si reintegrare comunitară, 2004, Protecţia drepturilor copilului ca principiu al asistenţei sociale, Bucuresti, 2006, Fundamente socio-juridice ale probaţiunii, 2006, Sfîrsitul Civilizaţiei Turnului Babel. Creativitate, Personalitate, Dezvoltare. Iasi, 1997, Sociologia climatului creativogen. Inventica în organizaţii. Iasi, 1997. A publicat peste 40 studii de specialitate. A primit Diploma Universităţii “Al.I.Cuza” pentru activitatea de cercetare stiinţifică (2006). Are 7 certificate de atestare profesionala primite de la renumite instituţii culturale europene.
Päivi Fadjukoff este profesor universitar la Facultatea de Psihologie a Universitatii din Jyväskylä, Finlanda.