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Pagina principală / Domeniul Litere /

C. S. Lewis – His Life and His Heritage

Teodora Ghivirigă, Daniela Vasiliu (editors)

în stoc

Data apariției: 24.11.2021

Domeniu: Litere / Critică literară

Colecție: ---

ISBN: 978-606-714-670-7

Nr. pagini: 204

Format: 14,7 x 20,5 cm.

23.72 LEI

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Descriere Sumar Despre autori

Volumul, editat în limba engleză, conține o introducere despre viața și opera lui C. S. Lewis, dar și a grupului care a luat naștere în jurul său (J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, Owen Barfield fiind cei mai cunoscuți), zece lucrări care analizează scrierile și filiația sa literară din diferite perspective și două interviuri cu două personalități ale lumii literare și teologice care l-au cunoscut pe autor și opera sa.
Cartea se adresează atât cercetătorilor interesați de opera literară și teologică a autorului C. S. Lewis, cât și studenților, dar și publicului larg (vorbitor de limba engleză) atras de tematica abordată de acesta.
C. S. Lewis a fost una dintre personalitățile literare remarcabile ale secolului al XX-lea – un amestec complex de erudiție (a scris lucrări de înaltă ținută academică, printre care se numără Oxford History of English Literature: English Literature in the Sixteenth Century: Excluding Drama / Istoria literaturii engleze: literatura engleză din secolul al XVI-lea, exceptând drama, publicată în 1954 la Editura Universității Oxford și care reprezintă și acum o autoritate în domeniu), de autor de eseistică, popular și viguros în acelaşi timp (în lucrări precum The Problem of Pain/Problema durerii, The Abolition of Man/Abolirea omului și multe altele), strălucit apologet creștin (Creștinism pur și simplu, Despre minuni), fiind și creator de mare succes în zona literaturii pentru copii (The Chronicles of Narnia/Cronicile din Narnia) și proză fantastică (The Cosmic Trilogy/Trilogia cosmică). Reputația și succesul publicistic au crescut constant de la moartea sa în 1963, iar opera lui a devenit centrul de interes al multor societăți academice și literare, conferințe, simpozioane și alte diferite manifestări culturale, periodice științifice și studii – câteva dintre acestea fiind cuprinse în volumul de față.

In possibly his last interview, taken in 2018, two years before his death, this is how Walter Hooper, C. S. Lewis’s secretary in the last years of the British author’s life, describes his generous and inspiring friend and mentor, which he was introduced to along other members of the famous Inkling circle in one of their usual meetings: “But then Lewis had a way of encouraging others to do the talking. So, though he didn’t do very much of the talking, he made it possible. Shakespeare said, there are those who aren’t witty in themselves, but who, in one way, inspire wit in others. And this is what he did.” The present volume brings together, beside two interesting interviews where C. S. Lewis’s work and influence are presented, a collection of essays and academic papers focusing on various aspects of the British author’s writings, personal and literary biography, spiritual and literary masters (George MacDonald), as well as the way in which the present can draw on his work – as a part of his rich heritage.
C. S. Lewis was one of the remarkable literary personalities of the 20th century – a complex mix of scholarly excellence (he was an outstanding academic, the author of many learned volumes, among which Oxford History of English Literature: English Literature in the Sixteenth Century: Excluding Drama, published in 1954 and still an authoritative reference in the field), a congenial, yet pithy author of essays (The Problem of Pain, The Abolition of Man, and many others), a brilliant apologete, reaching out to a vast readership (Mere Christianity, Miracles), as well as a succesful author of children’s classics (The Chronicles of Narnia) and sci-fi novels (The Cosmic Trilogy). His reputation and publishing success have continued to rise in the decades since his death in 1963 and his work is now the focus of academic interest manifest in the many societies, conferences and other scientific and cultural events, journals and studies, some of which are collected in the present volume.

Introduction, Rodica Albu; Keeping Lewis Alive, J. C. Lotz; What Is Ethical and What Is Non-Ethical in The World as We Know It? A Biased Response Originating from C. S. Lewis’s Moral Philosophy, Codrin Liviu Cuțitaru; How to Communicate with Those Who Suffer. Lessons from C. S. Lewis, Emil Bartoş; C. S. Lewis and the Devil. Remarks on the Strategy of Determining the Indeterminable, Mircea Păduraru; Multiple Faces of C. S. Lewis in Works by Owen Barfield, Maria Shaskolskaia; W. H. Lewis: A Bibliographical Excursus, Paul E. Michelson; Childlikeness: A Counter-Cultural Challenge by C. S. Lewis’ Mentor, George MacDonald, Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson; The Retranslation Hypothesis and the Three Romanian Versions of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Sorina Antonese; Of Virtues and Vices of Christians and Translators. The Two Romanian Versions of C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity, Teodora Ghivirigă; The Imaginary Journey of Redemption in John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress and C. S. Lewis’s The Pilgrim’s Regress, Daniela Vasiliu; Introduction to W. Hooper: A Significant Enabling Literary Figure, J. C. Lotz; Walter Hooper – interviewed by John Lotz; Introduction to Bishop Kallistos Ware: between C. S. Lewis’s views on Christianity and the patristic tradition, Teodora Ghivirigă; Kallistos Ware – interviewed by John Lotz; About the authors.

Teodora Ghivirigă is a graduate of the Faculty of Letters, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, with a major in English and a minor in Romanian. She went on to do her PhD in Linguistics on the topic “The Formation of the Terminology of Economics in Romanian”. She has an interest in specialised languages and terminology in several domains and the translation of specialised discourse (Economics and business, Law, music) and has contributed various studies in this area. She is also interested in English (British mainly) literature for children and in fantasy, especially in the works of the authors of the Inkling group. Her teaching interests also include teaching English to adults (especially in specialized domains) and testing. She wrote a number of articles abut the Inklings and has contributed chapters to the volumes Enciclopedia Lumii lui Tolkien (2007) and Inklings, Litera și Spiritul (2004).
Daniela Vasiliu, Ph.D., is the CEO Agora Christi Center for Christian Studies and Apologetics, Teacher of English (Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Educations Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi) and author of a Ph.D. thesis entitled C. S. Lewis – at the Border Between Christian Spirituality and Fiction. She is the co-organizer of the “C. S. Lewis and Kindred Spirits” conferences since the first edition in 2013 and the author of several articles on C. S. Lewis.