EURINT 2015: Regional development and integration. New challenges for the EU
Gabriela Carmen Pascariu, Ramona Țigănașu, Cristian Încalțărău, Loredana Maria Simionov
Despre autori
Volumul, conceput în limba engleză, cuprinde o selecție a lucrărilor participanților la conferința EURINT 2015: Regional development and integration. New challenges for the EU, organizată de Centrul de Studii Europene din cadrul Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași cu ocazia Zilei Europei. Conferința a avut ca subiect central problematicile cu care se confruntă economiile europene pe fundalul crizei economice.
A bibliometric analysis on EU and global research on the environmental impact of cities; Study on tax revenues in Romania as contributor to the European Union budget; Are international trade flows a vector of globalization?; Migration integration as a factor of economic and regional development in the European Union; Establishing the european public prosecutor’s office. A necessity in the regional context or a diminution of competences?
Gabriela Carmen Pascariu is a Jean Monnet professor in Economics and Politics of the European Integration and coordinator of the Centre for Excellence in European Studies. With over 15 years of teaching and research experiences in European Studies, she is currently an expert and evaluator in different commissions, member in the editorial board of several publications in European Studies and Regional Development and a member in several national and international associations.
Ramona Țigănașu, PhD, is a researcher in the field of Economics at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (Romania) – Centre for European Studies (CES). She is currently the coordinator of the CES research department. Throughout his experience at CES, she has been involved in several national and international research projects and she has published more than 60 studies in Regional Development and Institutional Economics.
Cristian Încalțărău is currently working as a researcher at the Jean Monnet Centre for European Studies (CES) within ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. His main research interest is related to the bilateral influence between labour mobility and development (internal/international migration and the impact in the origin region/country, economics of remittances, migration transition). During the last years, he has specialised in econometrics, mainly in time series analysis.
Loredana Simionov is a PhD, Researcher at the Jean Monnet Centre for European Studies at ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. She has a PhD in Economics and International Relations, having as main academic areas of interest the relations between the EU and Russia, the European Neighbourhood Policy, EU Foreign Affairs, as well as the economic integration process of the EU. Moreover, she has outstanding research results and has participated in a variety of courses and trainings in order to complement her expertise and education: EU and emerging economies at the Summer School in Goettingen, Germany (2010), Masters in European Studies within Erasmus Mobility at Aarhus University in Denmark (2010-2011), as well as Promoting freedom through education at Wien Neuwaldegg Institute, in Vienna, Austria (2009).